finding truth matters


pic040-roman-battle7I’m fascinated with Roman history. Understanding this period helps me to understand both how the Western world has been shaped and what the conditions were like for the birth and expansion of Christianity. Nearly every Emperor of Rome demanded god-like devotion. “Kaiser Ho Kurios!” (Caesar is Lord!) was a statement of Emperor devotion demanded from the citizens and non-citizens at the time. Non-compliance could have resulted in swift execution.

pic058-neroRoman Emperors were not the only ones to self-deify themselves. In the Book of Daniel we read that Nebuchadnezzar then Darius did the same. Of course the Romans believed in a Pantheon of gods – Zeus, Hermes, Mars, Jupiter, Hercules, and so on (note Acts 14:12-13). Not surprisingly, most the Caesars who self-deified themselves were either assassinated by someone close to them, or (as in the case of Nero) invited to commit suicide. Apparently claiming to be a god, when you are not, tends to infuriate those around you. Which is why Jesus stands out as unique among those who claimed to be God. His crucifixion reveals that He certainly infuriated some who did not know Him, but among those who did know Him, their response to His claim to Deity was worship and devotion – even from His brothers! So just who does God think He is?


To you it was shown, that you might know that the LORD is God; there is no other besides Him.
Deuteronomy 4:35

¶ Therefore, as to the eating of food offered to idols, we know that “an idol has no real existence,” and that “there is no God but one.”
First Corinthians 8:4

Unlike what the ancient Romans believed, the God of the Bible asserts that He has no equal. He is unique. And He is unique because He is the Uncaused-First-Cause of everything. That is, He had no beginning, and as the first cause of everything, He could have had no beginning

For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him.
Colossians 1:16

This fact about the God of the Bible is referred to as His eternality. Atheists often scoff at the idea of God’s eternality – “Who created God?” they demand. But they themselves are still forced to replace the Eternal God with an eternal-something because there must have logically been an uncaused first-cause. Because the universe displays evidence of intelligent order and extreme fine-tuning, it is more logical to deduce that the universe resulted not from an impersonal-eternal-something, but rather, an eternal-Someone.

A satirical Seek Job Ad for the position of GOD


If, for some impossible reason, the position for “God” ever became vacant, what might the job advert look like to find His replacement? Being the Moral Absolute of Goodness and a Judge of goodness would definitely be listed. Without God there is no standard of good or right. Whenever we see evil in our world and describe this behaviour as ‘bad’ or ‘wrong’ we are intuitively assuming that there is a standard of good and right with which to compare it. Because God is the Ultimate Good we can reasonably assume that He has clear to those beings in His creation what their good purpose is. This notion is called Teleology (that things have a particular purpose, a particular end in mind). When these beings wilfully rebel against this divinely instituted good purpose, they are behaving badly and defying their Creator. Since justice is an integral aspect of goodness, God must hold all rebels to account and effect justice. This requires judgment.

God is The Judge. Judging is a god-like activity, and the God of the Universe would have to be the Ultimate Judge of that Universe. In sustaining the Universe (Col. 1:17) and the required justice that this involves, it can be seen from the Bible that God appoints some human beings to serve as His deputies – as judges. This is why the Psalmist could say-

¶ God has taken his place in the divine council; in the midst of the gods he holds judgment:
Psalm 82:1

And Jesus could cite the Psalmist,

¶ I said, “You are gods, sons of the Most High, all of you; nevertheless, like men you shall die, and fall like any prince.”
Psalm 82:6-7

We note that the Psalmist contrasts god-like deputies with God, for, unlike God, these human deputies who perform a God-like function (judging) will themselves be judged and eventually die. Jesus cited this passage in John 10:34. His point is similar, sometimes human beings deputise for God and identified as fulfilling the God-role of ‘judge’, but His claim to deity goes further because He claimed that He would not be subject to the finality of death like mere mortals. 

God is the only person truly qualified to perfectly judge each person. Each one of us will stand before this perfect Judge and give an account of our lives.

¶ Then I saw a great white throne and him who was seated on it. From His presence earth and sky fled away, and no place was found for them.  And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened. Then another book was opened, which is the book of life. And the dead were judged by what was written in the books, according to what they had done.
Revelation 20:11-12

God’s authority to judge is grounded in His claim to be Creator. Since this world is His, He alone has the right to decree how people should conduct themselves. 



The Bible also refers to those who serve God as being His “sons”. In this light, many scholars believe that the ‘sons of God‘ referred to in Genesis 6:2-4 is describing fallen angels who were created to serve God. While angels do not ordinarily have corporeal (physical) bodies like humans, the Scriptures leave room for the possibility that it is at least possible for an angel to take on a human form and carry out human functions such as eating and therefore (possibly) sexual activity (note Hebrews 13:2). This might explain why the offspring of this activity mentioned in Genesis 6 were born as giants

The designation of ‘sons of God’ is to be distinguished from the Son of God. Even under the Old Covenant period there was a growing knowledge that God had a Son (Proverbs 30:4) and by the time of the New Covenant this revelation is stated clearly in John 3:16 when it describes Him as God’s only Son. It was during the proceedings of the Nicene Church Council around 325AD when Athanasius identified Christ as the eternal (no beginning, no end) Son of God, since God the Father is described as the Eternal Father (did not begin to be a Father and will never cease being a Father). Thus, since God is the Eternal Father, He must have always had an Eternal Son. Therefore, the Council reasoned, Jesus is the Co-Eternal, Co-Equal, Co-Immutable, Son of God.

The New Testament reveals that God adopts each one who turns to Him for salvation. Jesus described the love of His Father in the story of the Prodigal Son. The father not only forgives the humble seeker of his forgiveness, he celebrates his return and declares him to be his son with full inheritance rights!  God Himself is our Redeemer, our Rescuer, our Saviour.

even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before him. In love He predestined us for adoption to himself as sons through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of his will,
Ephesians 1:4-5

Who does God think He is? He declares Himself to be Creator, the Law-giver, Judge, Father, and Saviour. He has founded the Church as His agency for declaring to the world who He is, what His will is, to warn them of His certain judgment, to invite them to return to Him as their Father and Saviour. For those who have the eyes of their hearts opened to this amazing grace, their hearts begin to crave His holiness and their lives begin to reflect His godliness. 

We love because He first loved us.
First John 4:19


The Bible’s Authority, Infallibility, and Divine Inspiration

Nearly everything we do is built on trust. When we eat we trust that we will not be poisoned by the cook. When we go for a walk we trust that other walkers will not bump us out of their way. When someone tells us something we trust that they are telling us the truth. In fact, there is hardly anything we do in our everyday lives that does not involve trust. While we generally trust those we have come to know, we readily trust some people whom we do not know if they are people possessing appropriate authority such as a policeman, or a medical doctor or an airline pilot. The right authority invites and engenders trust. Christians trust the Bible because it derives from the highest authority – God. In fact, Christians have good reasons (a rationale) for believing that the Bible is divinely inspired and the only infallible and authoritative written Word of God.

The Significance of the 5 Stages of the Imago Dei to the Problem of Evil

The Bible is remarkably silent about the origin of the Evil One (the term used by Christ in Matt. 13:19, 38; and, John 17:15 to describe the devil). Oddly, it is not until the last book of the bible that we are told about the identity of the “serpent” in Genesis 3. “And the great dragon was thrown down, that ancient serpent, who is called the devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world—he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him” (Rev. 12:9). Heiser (2020) notes that this account in Revelation 12, about the serpent’s identity, cannot explain his origin because the episode it describes occurs after the ascension of Christ (244). The allusions to the prelapsarian state of the Evil One are possibly seen in Isaiah 14:12-14 and Ezekiel 28:2-10. At the very least, both of these references seem to indicate that the original state of the Evil One reveals he was a heavenly being who was created as a good and powerful being made to serve Yahweh and who was originally present in Eden. While we are not explicitly told in Scripture what his act of pride was that led to his rebellion, we can surmise it from the Genesis 2 and 3 passages and support this from Rabbinic traditions that is was connected to the creation of the woman (Morris and Scharl 2021). This is also supported if we simply take the progressive revelation contained in the opening chapters of Genesis, where the introduction of the Evil One (“the serpent”, Gen. 3:1) occurs with the creation of the Ish’ah – the woman.


Several high-profile Christian performing artists have famously deconstructed their Christianity and have frequently also described it as deconverting. This includes DC Talk’s Kevin Max, and Hawk Nelson’s John Steingard and former pastor and best-selling author, Josh Harris. These stories have frequently rocked the faith of younger believers—especially since many of these deconstructed celebrities actually encourage these younger believers to deconvert. If you’re being influenced by a deconverted Christian celebrity to consider deconverting yourself, then please consider the following information. 


 While theology is my passion and discipline, I’m also extremely interested in various fields of science and serve as a visiting scholar at the Science-Faith think-tank, Reasons To Believe. I do not regard science as an enemy of theology, and therefore take what scientists claim with appropriate acceptance. The scientific case for recent global-warming is barely contestable. If the modelling is correct about the rate of global-warming continuing to increase there can be no wonder that so many people are alarmed at what the future may hold. The Australian government’s ‘Future Climate-Change’ website states a range of temperature increases over the next 30 or so years ranging from rising sea-levels engulfing many Pacific Ocean island nations, and temperature increases in the range of 1°C to 4.8°C…


How seriously should we regard the Bible today? After all, in an age of such scientific certainty there appears to be many Biblical inaccuracies identified by scientists and historians to cast insoluble doubt on the preposterous claim that the Bible is the “word of God”. This has led some Seminaries (such as Fuller Theological Seminary) to abandon the belief that the Bible is “inerrant” (without error) in favour of a new belief that the Bible is “infallible” (correct in matters of religion only). It’s time now to examine this debate in closer detail…

Both inerrancy and infallibility acknowledge that these concepts apply to the original manuscripts of the Bible (“the Autographs”) – not to any one particular copied manuscript or translation of the Bible. The issue of Biblical translation is linked to this debate and we’ll deal with it shortly. Inerrancy means without error. Infallible means cannot be wrong. At first glance it may appear that these words are saying the same thing. But this is how they are being distinguished…


In Matthew 28:18-19 it is Trinitarian (“in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit”), but in the Acts of the Apostles, it is in the name of Jesus. I remember in my youth about hearing of a group of Pentecostals who made this the touch-stone of whether someone was baptised correctly or not. Today there are “Jesus-Only” groups who insist that what appears to be a Trinitarian formula is actually code for “Lord (The Father) Jesus (The Son) Christ (The Holy Spirit)”, which is why, they appeal, the Trinitarian version is no where used in the Book of Acts. In a culture steeped in legalism and superstition, my answer failed to connect with my audience. I left frustrated feeling that I had failed to adequately explain what the Bible teaches about water baptism. I am therefore writing with a sense that I wish I could have conveyed these thoughts in the language of my Indian friends to their satisfaction so that they could see that the Bible does not present a mixed message about Baptism.


home  >  articles  > apologetics > Introduction To Apologetics Part 1 Introduction To Apologetics By Dr. Andrew Corbett The ‘Modern’ age, also known as the ‘Industrial’ age began in the 1800s with the development of manufacturing technologies. This age was...

I Doubt – Part 3

Doubt is not incompatible with Christianity. Honest doubt actually leads to exploration and investigation of truth-claims which is a necessary step toward discovering the truth. One of the most doubtful claims of Christianity is that its central source of teaching, the Bible, is divinely inspired and without error. If it is the case that the Bible is not divinely inspired or without error, then Christianity is false and without foundation.

The relationship between Christianity and the Bible is difficult to overstate. Conversely, the level of doubt that many have about Christianity is ironically often due to similar levels of doubt about the Bible! Christians believe that the Bible is the divinely inspired Word from God to mankind. Because it is divinely inspired, Christians therefore believe that the Bible is inerrant (without error). Sceptics, however, scoff at these beliefs and question how anyone could believe a man was made from dirt, or how another man took two of every kind of animals onto an ark as the world was flooded, or how someone defied a world Emperor by summoning a plague of flies!


It might seem like God is against sex. After all, the Christian response to sex is better known for what it prohibits, than what it encourages. The Bible is peppered with prohibitive statements about sex in both the Old and New Testaments. The exclusive union of a man and a woman in a marriage covenant was always intended by God to be the primary relationship that would produce human sexual flourishing. But this reveals God’s benevolent heart for mankind that He would create man and woman with a capacity unknown to any other creature – the ability to enjoy sexual satisfaction which is not merely driven by a base desire to reproduce — but to experience and experience physical love. It is not just that God wants what is good for people; it is that He wants mankind to enjoy what He has designed as best.

Proofs For The Resurrection of Christ

Christianity stands or falls on the truthfulness of the Resurrection of Christ. Without an historically valid physical resurrection of Christ there is no basis in truth to Christianity. Far from being a doctrine of those ‘fundamentalists’, belief in the literal, physical, resurrection of Christ to immortality is actually what distinguishes a person from an animal.


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