Habakkuk Part 1, Premium Audio


The prophet Habakkuk prophesied during the reign of King Jehoiakim of Judah. He was, thus, a contemporary of Jeremiah the Prophet. The Book of Habakkuk was written before Babylon invaded. Habakkuk was dismayed that the moral climate of Judah had drastically deteriorated. We will see in this presentation from Dr. Corbett that when any culture rejects and ignores God’s Word, the result is violence, strife, and contention along with injustice and persecution of the righteous. But we will also see that Habakkuk did then did what every true Prophet would do. 


The prophet Habakkuk prophesied during the reign of King Jehoiakim of Judah. He was, thus, a contemporary of Jeremiah the Prophet. The Book of Habakkuk was written before Babylon invaded. Habakkuk was dismayed that the moral climate of Judah had drastically deteriorated. We will see in this presentation from Dr. Corbett that when any culture rejects and ignores God’s Word, the result is violence, strife, and contention along with injustice and persecution of the righteous. But we will also see that Habakkuk did then did what every true Prophet would do. 



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